Fabiola Loreline Vizzini
Her artistic mission starts from the intention of making the seed of artistic awareness germinate and why not, in growing curiosity and courage towards "introspective" and "abstract" art forms that touch the deepest chords of our unconscious.
Artist: Fabiola Loreline Vizzini
State: Italy
Age: 43
Facebook: Fabiola Loreline Vizzini
Instagram: Fabiola Vizz

Fabiola Loreline Vizzini "Squarcio lunare"

Fabiola Loreline Vizzini "Silver eruption"
Fabiola Loreline Vizzini

Fabiola Loreline Vizzini "Andromeda"

Fabiola Loreline Vizzini " Frozen heart"
Subsequently she dedicated herself to painting and at the same time to photography, pursuing these two artistic forms as the maximum expression of his art. During her academic career she experiments with a technique that leads her to abandon the palette and brushes to create personal works. During this journey the artist expresses her own way of painting which is the clear expression of the artist's emotions using innovative materials.

Fabiola Loreline Vizzini Portrait
Fabiola Vizzini was born in Agrigento on 10/31/1980 and grew up in a small village in the Sicilian hinterland near the city of the Temples of Agrigento, Grotte, where from an early age she expressed a predisposition towards art and drawing, she began an artistic journey by attending first the Art High School and subsequently the Academy of Fine Arts in Palermo, where he studied the techniques and study of art in depth.

Fabiola Loreline Vizzini"Golden eruption"

Fabiola Loreline Vizzini " "Golden star"